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June 06, 2007



Thank you for such a beautiful post. "Peace is now yours ..." If we can just all imagine it. :)

Mimi Lenox

Jennifer - This post helped me calm down, step back and take a breath. Thank you.
It's lovely and insightful. As usual. Your globe is a mirror of all you believe in. Love it!

Thanks for making this blogblast so special with your words of wisdom.

Mimi Lenox

Jennifer - This post helped me calm down, step back and take a breath. Thank you.
It's lovely and insightful. As usual. Your globe is a mirror of all you believe in. Love it!

Thanks for making this blogblast so special with your words of wisdom.


nice post

Grant Us Peace - "All You Need Is Love"
Sitting On The COUCH For Peace

Angel Mama ( Pearls of Wisdom)

Great Post. Peace to you and yours. My globe is up as well.

Angel ():)


The Witch Dr is IN

Bud Weiser

May the warmth and spirit of this Peace Globe Day bring us all peace. You’re globe is beautiful.

From WTIT: the most peaceful Tape Radio Station ever…


Peace be always with you!
Wonderful glob and great post.


Well said, I'm also in the process of wrighting a book on personal growth. I like your point of view and message.


I'm cruising by from Mimi's. Happy Peace Globe Day.

Peace to you!


Lovely Globe and thoughts

Peace to you and yours, now and always


You are correct each of our personal violent thoughts add fuel to viloence all over this world. We must forgive and focus on peace!
Peace and love be with you!

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About Jennifer McLean

  • Jennifer McLean - Healer and Author of The Big Book of You

    Jennifer has trained in many disciplines of vibrational healing including, The Reconnection, Cranial Sacral, Polarity and her renowned Sound Healing and Body Dialoging Techniques techniques (described in Joe Vitale's book The Key. She has been practicing these modalities of healing in private sessions with individuals for 17 years. She is also a marketer and has written a book called The Credibility Factor. Jennifer's dichotomous experience as a healer and marketing professional afforded her unique insights into the multiple models people use to manage their worlds. This coupled with her lifetime exploration into spiritual challenges and opportunities, and her training as a healer gave her the tools to write the award winning and hot new bookThe Big Book of YOU. You can reach Jennifer at [email protected]

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