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Friday, April 13, 2007


Walter Burek


It's not only "disrespectful," as you say, but it makes pricing difficult for us. I get dozens of calls and emails from people who expect me to work for them for $10 or $15 an hour.


James Klobasa

I like the green much better!

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    “It is amazing how you can take my benefits and bring them to life by capturing them at their highest level ---out of the mouth of my clients. I now have a new sense of passion for how I have and will continue to help people as a result of your audit. It is great to get such valuable yet unsolicited feedback from our clients. I truly appreciate your work.” Carolyn McCormick, Life and Business Strategist – Personal Edge Coaching and Business Development (www.SuccessCoachforLife.com)

    “Last year, WTRS employed Jennifer to conduct a brand survey and to advise us on our image and marketing strategy. The experience was very rewarding from many perspectives and was the key event that helped us to clarify our message and value to the industry. It also helped us to accelerate our sales; in fact I can look at our sales and see almost a 100% year over year increase beginning after her work with WTRS.” George West, Principle - West Technology Research Solutions (www.wtrs.net)

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